Welcome to the Mehtaverse
👋 Hey there, I’m Ravi Mehta. I build consumer tech products, teams, and companies that have impacted millions of people's lives. I’ve worked on product for globally recognized brands like Tripadvisor, Facebook, Tinder, and Xbox. Here I share the tools and techniques I’ve learned over the years.
I like to think in frameworks. They help me make sense of the fast moving world of tech and the difficult process of creating products people love. I’ve created popular frameworks like the Product Competency Toolkit, the Product Strategy Stack, and Narrative, Commitments, and Tasks that have been used by thousands of professionals across the industry.
As I write this, it’s January 2024 (🤯, still waiting for my flying car!). I have a halfway decent track-record of making and keeping new year’s resolutions. This year, I’ve resolved to share more often about my experiences building products & teams.
The best part of having a newsletter has been the conversations I’ve had and the people I’ve met. With all the social features on Substack, I hope to have more of those conversations. You can also reach me on LinkedIn and via email.
Strong opinions, weekly held.
My goal is to send out one interesting piece per week about building products and teams. This newsletter is free, but please pledge if you’d be interested in a paid membership with additional content.